Sincere Foods
Sincere Foods
Sincere Foods
Sincere Foods
Sincere Foods
Sincere Foods
Sincere Foods
Sincere Foods

Sincere Foods


Selai kacang dan ghee (Natural nut butter and grass fed ghee)

Asal Program

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Perizinan dan Sertifikasi



Ruko Element B11, Jalur Sutera kav 25BC, Alam Sutera, Tangerang Selatan, banten

Kapasitas Produksi per Bulan

3500 pcs


Sincere Foods merupakan produsen selai kacang dan minyak samin premium yang didirikan oleh Rika Christina pada 15 Agustus 2014. Saat ini produk yang menjadi unggulan adalah Selai Kacang Tanah dari kacang tanah organik lokal dan Grass Fed Ghee Classic (minyak samin) yang telah bersertifikat BPOM dan Halal Indonesia. Selain menghasilkan produk berkualitas, Sincere Foods juga turut menjaga lingkungan dengan produksi ramah lingkungan dan mendukung fair trade bahan baku. Hingga saat ini distribusi Sincere Foods telah tersebar di seluruh Jabodetabek dan menjangkau kalangan para artis ibukota. Jadi tunggu apalagi? Yuk rasakan kenikmatan rasa selai kacang dan minyak samin premium Sincere Foods yang ramah lingkungan ini. Produk kami juga tersedia di e-commerce kesayangan Anda Shopee, Tokopedia atau

Sincere Foods is a producer of peanut butter and premium ghee which was founded by Rika Christina on August 15, 2014. Currently, its flagship product is Peanut Butter made from organic local groundnut and Grassfed Ghee Classic (samin oil) which have been certified by BPOM and Halal Indonesia. Apart from producing quality products, Sincere Foods also helps protect the environment by producing environmentally friendly products and supporting the fair trade of raw materials. Until now, the distribution of Sincere Foods has spread throughout Jabodetabek and reaches the capital's artists. So what are you waiting for? let's taste the delicious taste of this eco-friendly peanut butter and premium ghee from Sincere Foods. Our products are also available in your favorite e-commerce Shopee, Tokopedia or our

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Minimum Order Quantity untuk ekspor

1000 pcs

Durasi masa tunggu pemenuhan pesanan

7 hari kerja (7 working days)

INCOTERM yang diminati

Ex Works


Digunakan oleh influencer tanpa endorse (Franda, Eva Celia, VJ Daniel, Chef Chitra, Szheerose, Sha.shalindra, Japmei) (Used by influencer without endorse (Franda, Eva Celia, VJ Daniel, Chef Chitra, Szheerose, Sha.shalindra, Japmei))