Suplemen untuk kesehatan (Healthy supplements)
Asal Program
Go Global 2022
Perizinan dan Sertifikasi
NIB, IRT, Halal
Graha Family Blok R No. 23, jawa timur
Kapasitas Produksi per Bulan
8000 pcs
Dehealth_supplies, usaha milik Haru Kindo asal Surabaya sejak 2018, merupakan usaha yang memproduksi produk untuk hidup sehat dan berinovasi untuk menghasilkan produk-produk natural berkualitas tinggi yang memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan. Produk-produk sehat Dehealth_supplies diproses secara natural tanpa tambahan bahan kimia sintetis seperti perasa, pengawet, pewarna, dan penambah aroma. Beberapa produk andalan Dehealth_supplies adalah Dehealth VINEGA Cuka Apel, Cuka Nanas, Cuka Lemon dan Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Produk Deheatlhy_supplies yang tentunya dapat meningkatkan sistem imun, menyehatkan jantung, melancarkan peredaran darah, menstabilkan gula darah, melancarkan sistem pencernaan serta merawat kulit. Selain itu, produk Deheatlh_supplies sudah tersedia di Shopee dan Tokopedia lho!
Dehealth_supplies, a business owned by Haru Kindo from Surabaya since 2018, is a business that produces healthy living products and innovates to produce high-quality natural products that provide health benefits. Dehealth_Supplies' healthy products are processed naturally without the addition of synthetic chemicals such as flavours, preservatives, dyes and aroma enhancers. Some of Dehealth_supplies mainstay products are Dehealth VINEGA Apple Vinegar, Pineapple Vinegar, Lemon Vinegar, & Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. Deheatlhy_Supplies products which certainly can boost the immune system, nourish the heart, improve blood circulation, stabilize blood sugar, improve the digestive system and treat the skin. Apart from that, Deheatlh_supplies products are already available on Shopee and Tokopedia!
Minimum Order Quantity untuk ekspor
50 pcs
Durasi masa tunggu pemenuhan pesanan
1 minggu (a week)
INCOTERM yang diminati
Ex Works
Brand Choice Award tahun 2022, diliput di Times Indonesia dan Over Hyped Shape (Brand Choice Award in 2022, covered in the Times Indonesia and Over Hyped Shape)